Vi har fått SHUFFLEBOARD på Driv!

Vi har fått SHUFFLEBOARD på Driv!

Ta med vennegjengen, kollokviegruppen, arbeidskollegaer, studentorganisasjoner eller venner og bekjente. Vi har gode priser og tar bare 90 kroner per påbegynte halvtime.


  • Utstyret til shuffleboardet hentes i baren
  • Vis respekt for motstanderen og utstyret
  • Du må legge ditt kredittkort i baren
  • 90 kroner for hver påbegynt halvtime
  • Ingen spising eller drikking når du spiller
  • Det er ikke tillatt å sette flasker eller glass på bordet
  • Ta hverandre i hendene før dere begynner å spille
  • Ha det gøy – det er bare et spill
  • Førstemann til 15 poeng vinner
  • Ta bilder og bruk #driv og #samfunnetdriv

De Offisielle shuffleboardregler:

  1. Players toss a coin to decide who plays first. After the first “end”, the winner of the previous end plays first. Should the previous end have resulted in no score, the player who went first previously goes second.
  2. Players slide their four weights alternately attempting to get them as near as possible to the end of the board without falling off. If a weight does not completely pass over the foul line, that weight is immediately removed from play.
  3. It is normal for a player to deliberately knock already played weights in such a way that opponents weights might fall out of play while the player’s weights cannon into an advantageous position.
  4. Once all weights have been pushed down the table, the player whose weight is nearest the far end of the board wins that “end” and scores points. The other player scores no points.
  5. In order to score, a weight must: be on the table, have fully crossed over the foul line and be nearer to the end than the opponents best weight
  6. Any other qualifying weight that lands in the first second or third areas scores 1, 2 or 3 points respectively. A weight that lands on or touching a line counts as being in the lower scoring area. If no weights are in scoring positions then no points are scored.
  7. First player or team to 15 points wins.